editVersion |
1.29.0 (View all) |
Compatible Kibana version(s) |
8.13.0 or higher |
Supported Serverless project types |
Security |
Subscription level |
Basic |
Level of support |
Elastic |
The Tenable Security Center integration collects and parses data from the Tenable Security Center APIs.
editThis module has been tested against Tenable.sc version 5.23
and Tenable.sc version 6.4.0
editIn order to ingest data from the Tenable.sc you must have the Access key and Secret Key.
Enable API keys to allow users to perform API key authentication.
See Tenable’s documentation for more information on:
The default value is the recommended value for a batch size by Tenable. It can be found under Advanced Options and can be configured as per requirements. A very large value might not work as intended depending on the API and instance limitations.
editThis is the asset
An example event for asset
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2023-09-22T18:00:18.358Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "87389b96-4d7e-4a86-a055-4d34d251c4c0", "id": "f25d13cd-18cc-4e73-822c-c4f849322623", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.10.1" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "tenable_sc.asset", "namespace": "ep", "type": "logs" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.11.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "f25d13cd-18cc-4e73-822c-c4f849322623", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.10.1" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "category": [ "host" ], "created": "2023-09-22T18:00:18.358Z", "dataset": "tenable_sc.asset", "ingested": "2023-09-22T18:00:21Z", "kind": "state", "original": "{\"biosGUID\":\"9e8c4d43-982b-4405-a76c-d56c1d6cf117\",\"dnsName\":\"rnkmigauv2l8zeyf.example\",\"hostUniqueness\":\"repositoryID,ip,dnsName\",\"ip\":\"\",\"lastAuthRun\":\"\",\"lastUnauthRun\":\"\",\"macAddress\":\"00:00:00:47:05:0d\",\"mcafeeGUID\":\"\",\"netbiosName\":\"UNKNOWN\\\\\RNKMIGAUV2L8ZEYF.EXAMPLE\",\"osCPE\":\"cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_10:::x64-home\",\"pluginSet\":\"201901281542\",\"policyName\":\"Basic Agent Scan\",\"repository\":{\"dataFormat\":\"IPv4\",\"description\":\"\",\"id\":\"2\",\"name\":\"Staged-Large\",\"sciID\":\"1\"},\"score\":\"307\",\"severityCritical\":\"6\",\"severityHigh\":\"4\",\"severityInfo\":\"131\",\"severityLow\":\"0\",\"severityMedium\":\"9\",\"total\":\"150\",\"tpmID\":\"\",\"uniqueness\":\"repositoryID,ip,dnsName\",\"uuid\":\"4add65d0-27fc-491c-91ba-3f498a61f49e\"}", "type": [ "info" ] }, "host": { "domain": "example", "hostname": "rnkmigauv2l8zeyf.example", "ip": [ "" ], "mac": [ "00-00-00-47-05-0D" ], "name": "rnkmigauv2l8zeyf" }, "input": { "type": "httpjson" }, "related": { "hosts": [ "rnkmigauv2l8zeyf.example", "rnkmigauv2l8zeyf", "UNKNOWN\\RNKMIGAUV2L8ZEYF.EXAMPLE" ], "ip": [ "" ] }, "tags": [ "preserve_original_event", "forwarded", "tenable_sc-asset" ], "tenable_sc": { "asset": { "bios": { "guid": "9e8c4d43-982b-4405-a76c-d56c1d6cf117" }, "custom_hash": "ilZiksv+pbvyBkKXgFRLGuMuUovfGI0pjIX5yLMp+I8=", "dns": { "name": "rnkmigauv2l8zeyf.example" }, "host_uniqueness": "repositoryID,ip,dnsName", "ip": "", "mac": "00-00-00-47-05-0D", "netbios": { "name": "UNKNOWN\\RNKMIGAUV2L8ZEYF.EXAMPLE" }, "os_cpe": "cpe:/o:microsoft:windows_10:::x64-home", "plugin_set": "201901281542", "policy": { "name": "Basic Agent Scan" }, "repository": { "data_format": "IPv4", "id": "2", "name": "Staged-Large", "sci": { "id": "1" } }, "score": 307, "severity": { "critical": 6, "high": 4, "info": 131, "low": 0, "medium": 9 }, "total": 150, "uniqueness": "repositoryID,ip,dnsName", "uuid": "4add65d0-27fc-491c-91ba-3f498a61f49e" } } }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Event timestamp. |
date |
cloud.image.id |
Image ID for the cloud instance. |
keyword |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
event.dataset |
Event dataset. |
constant_keyword |
event.module |
Event module. |
constant_keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean |
host.os.build |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
input.type |
Input type |
keyword |
log.offset |
Log offset |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.bios.guid |
GUID of bios. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.custom_hash |
Hash representing the values of the field names mentioned in uniqueness field in order to uniquely identify an asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.dns.name |
DNS name of the asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.host_uniqueness |
Host Uniqueness. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.ip |
The IPv4 address of the asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.last_auth_run |
The timestamp of last auth run. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.last_unauth_run |
The timestamp of last unauth run. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.mac |
The mac address of the asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.mcafee.guid |
GUID of McAfee. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.netbios.name |
Name of netbios of the asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.os_cpe |
OS CPE (Common Platform Enumeration is a standardized way to name software applications, operating systems, and hardware platforms). |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.plugin_set |
The plugin set the asset fall in. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.policy.name |
The name of the policy that is assigned to the asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.repository.data_format |
Data format. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.repository.description |
Description of repository. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.repository.id |
ID of repository the asset belongs to. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.repository.name |
Name of repository the asset belongs to. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.repository.sci.id |
Sci ID. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.score |
The score of the asset. |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.severity.critical |
The critical score of the asset. |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.severity.high |
The high score of the asset. |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.severity.info |
The info score of the asset. |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.severity.low |
The low score of the asset. |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.severity.medium |
The medium score of the asset. |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.total |
The total score for the asset. |
long |
tenable_sc.asset.tpm.id |
The ID of TPM. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.uniqueness |
Uniqueness. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.asset.uuid |
The uuid of the asset. |
keyword |
editThis is the plugin
An example event for plugin
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2021-09-27T01:33:53.000Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "7f93fe8a-bef7-46ec-8a36-47d48e2f8e7c", "id": "f25d13cd-18cc-4e73-822c-c4f849322623", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.10.1" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "tenable_sc.plugin", "namespace": "ep", "type": "logs" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.11.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "f25d13cd-18cc-4e73-822c-c4f849322623", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.10.1" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "created": "2023-09-22T18:01:18.245Z", "dataset": "tenable_sc.plugin", "ingested": "2023-09-22T18:01:21Z", "kind": "event", "original": "{\"baseScore\":\"7.8\",\"checkType\":\"remote\",\"copyright\":\"This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2020 John Lampe\",\"cpe\":\"\",\"cvssV3BaseScore\":null,\"cvssV3TemporalScore\":null,\"cvssV3Vector\":\"\",\"cvssV3VectorBF\":\"0\",\"cvssVector\":\"AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C/E:U/RL:OF/RC:C\",\"cvssVectorBF\":\"2164920932\",\"dependencies\":\"find_service1.nasl,http_version.nasl,www_fingerprinting_hmap.nasl\",\"description\":\"Microsoft IIS, running Frontpage extensions, is vulnerable to a remote denial of service attack usually called the 'malformed web submission' vulnerability. An attacker, exploiting this vulnerability, will be able to render the service unusable.\\n\\nIf this machine serves a business-critical function, there could be an impact to the business.\",\"dstPort\":null,\"exploitAvailable\":\"false\",\"exploitEase\":\"No known exploits are available\",\"exploitFrameworks\":\"\",\"family\":{\"id\":\"11\",\"name\":\"Web Servers\",\"type\":\"active\"},\"id\":\"10585\",\"md5\":\"38b2147401eb5c3a15af52182682f345\",\"modifiedTime\":\"1632706433\",\"name\":\"Microsoft IIS Frontpage Server Extensions (FPSE) Malformed Form DoS\",\"patchModDate\":\"-1\",\"patchPubDate\":\"-1\",\"pluginModDate\":\"1591963200\",\"pluginPubDate\":\"1058875200\",\"protocol\":\"\",\"requiredPorts\":\"\",\"requiredUDPPorts\":\"\",\"riskFactor\":\"High\",\"seeAlso\":\"https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/security-updates/SecurityBulletins/2000/ms00-100\",\"solution\":\"Microsoft has released a set of patches for IIS 4.0 and 5.0.\",\"sourceFile\":\"IIS_frontpage_DOS_2.nasl\",\"srcPort\":null,\"stigSeverity\":null,\"synopsis\":\"The remote web server is vulnerable to a denial of service\",\"temporalScore\":\"5.8\",\"type\":\"active\",\"version\":\"1.28\",\"vprContext\":\"[{\\\"id\\\":\\\"age_of_vuln\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Vulnerability Age\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"730 days +\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"cvssV3_impactScore\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"CVSS v3 Impact Score\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"number\\\",\\\"value\\\":3.6000000000000001},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"exploit_code_maturity\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Exploit Code Maturity\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Unproven\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"product_coverage\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Product Coverage\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Low\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"threat_intensity_last_28\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Threat Intensity\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Very Low\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"threat_recency\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Threat Recency\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"\\u003e 365 days\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"threat_sources_last_28\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Threat Sources\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"No recorded events\\\"}]\",\"vprScore\":\"4.4\",\"vulnPubDate\":\"977486400\",\"xrefs\":\"CVE:CVE-2001-0096, BID:2144, MSFT:MS00-100, MSKB:280322\"}", "type": [ "info" ] }, "input": { "type": "httpjson" }, "related": { "hash": [ "38b2147401eb5c3a15af52182682f345" ] }, "tags": [ "preserve_original_event", "forwarded", "tenable_sc-plugin" ], "tenable_sc": { "plugin": { "base_score": 7.8, "check_type": "remote", "copyright": "This script is Copyright (C) 2003-2020 John Lampe", "cvss_vector": "AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C/E:U/RL:OF/RC:C", "cvss_vector_bf": "2164920932", "dependencies": [ "find_service1.nasl", "http_version.nasl", "www_fingerprinting_hmap.nasl" ], "description": "Microsoft IIS, running Frontpage extensions, is vulnerable to a remote denial of service attack usually called the 'malformed web submission' vulnerability. An attacker, exploiting this vulnerability, will be able to render the service unusable.\n\nIf this machine serves a business-critical function, there could be an impact to the business.", "exploit": { "ease": "No known exploits are available", "is_available": "false" }, "family": { "id": "11", "name": "Web Servers", "type": "active" }, "id": "10585", "is_patch_modified": false, "is_patch_published": false, "is_plugin_modified": true, "is_plugin_published": true, "is_vulnerability_published": true, "md5": "38b2147401eb5c3a15af52182682f345", "modified_time": "2021-09-27T01:33:53.000Z", "name": "Microsoft IIS Frontpage Server Extensions (FPSE) Malformed Form DoS", "plugin_mod_date": "2020-06-12T12:00:00.000Z", "plugin_pub_date": "2003-07-22T12:00:00.000Z", "risk_factor": "High", "see_also": [ "https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/security-updates/SecurityBulletins/2000/ms00-100" ], "solution": "Microsoft has released a set of patches for IIS 4.0 and 5.0.", "source_file": "IIS_frontpage_DOS_2.nasl", "synopsis": "The remote web server is vulnerable to a denial of service", "temporal_score": 5.8, "type": "active", "version": 1.28, "vpr": { "context": { "_original": [ { "id": "age_of_vuln", "name": "Vulnerability Age", "type": "string", "value": "730 days +" }, { "id": "cvssV3_impactScore", "name": "CVSS v3 Impact Score", "type": "number", "value": 3.6 }, { "id": "exploit_code_maturity", "name": "Exploit Code Maturity", "type": "string", "value": "Unproven" }, { "id": "product_coverage", "name": "Product Coverage", "type": "string", "value": "Low" }, { "id": "threat_intensity_last_28", "name": "Threat Intensity", "type": "string", "value": "Very Low" }, { "id": "threat_recency", "name": "Threat Recency", "type": "string", "value": "> 365 days" }, { "id": "threat_sources_last_28", "name": "Threat Sources", "type": "string", "value": "No recorded events" } ], "age_of_vuln": "730 days +", "cvssV3_impactScore": 3.6, "exploit_code_maturity": "Unproven", "product_coverage": "Low", "threat_intensity_last_28": "Very Low", "threat_recency": "> 365 days", "threat_sources_last_28": "No recorded events" }, "score": 4.4 }, "vuln_pub_date": "2000-12-22T12:00:00.000Z", "xrefs": [ "CVE:CVE-2001-0096", "BID:2144", "MSFT:MS00-100", "MSKB:280322" ] } } }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Event timestamp. |
date |
cloud.image.id |
Image ID for the cloud instance. |
keyword |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
event.dataset |
Event dataset. |
constant_keyword |
event.module |
Event module. |
constant_keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean |
host.os.build |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
input.type |
Input type |
keyword |
log.offset |
Log offset |
long |
tenable_sc.plugin.base_score |
The CVSSv2 base score (intrinsic and fundamental characteristics of a vulnerability that are constant over time and user environments). |
double |
tenable_sc.plugin.check_type |
The type of the compliance check that detected the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.copyright |
The copyright information related to the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.cpe |
A list of plugin target systems identified by Common Platform Enumeration (CPE). |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.cvss_vector |
The raw CVSSv2 metrics for the vulnerability. For more information, see CVSSv2 documentation. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.cvss_vector_bf |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.cvssv3_base_score |
The CVSSv3 base score (intrinsic and fundamental characteristics of a vulnerability that are constant over time and user environments). |
double |
tenable_sc.plugin.cvssv3_temporal_score |
The CVSSv3 temporal metrics for the vulnerability. |
double |
tenable_sc.plugin.cvssv3_vector |
The raw CVSSv3 metrics for the vulnerability. For more information, see CVSSv3 documentation. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.cvssv3_vector_bf |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.dependencies |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.description |
The extended description of the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.dst_port |
Destination port. |
long |
tenable_sc.plugin.exploit.ease |
Description of how easy it is to exploit the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.exploit.frameworks |
Frameworks used by the exploit. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.exploit.is_available |
Indicates whether a known public exploit exists for the vulnerability. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.plugin.family.id |
The ID of the plugin family. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.family.name |
The name of the plugin family. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.family.type |
The type of the plugin family. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.id |
The ID of the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.is_patch_modified |
Flag for if patch is modified. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.plugin.is_patch_published |
Flag for if patch is published. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.plugin.is_plugin_modified |
Flag for if plugin is modified. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.plugin.is_plugin_published |
Flag for if plugin is published. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.plugin.is_vulnerability_published |
Flag for if vulnerability is published. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.plugin.md5 |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.modified_time |
Timestamp of last modification in plugin. |
date |
tenable_sc.plugin.name |
The name of the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.patch_mod_date |
The date when the vendor modified the patch for the vulnerability. |
date |
tenable_sc.plugin.patch_pub_date |
The date when the vendor published a patch for the vulnerability. |
date |
tenable_sc.plugin.plugin_mod_date |
The date when Tenable last updated the plugin. |
date |
tenable_sc.plugin.plugin_pub_date |
The date when Tenable originally published the plugin. |
date |
tenable_sc.plugin.protocol |
Protocol used by the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.required_ports |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.required_udp_ports |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.risk_factor |
The risk factor associated with the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.see_also |
Links to external websites that contain helpful information about the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.solution |
Remediation information for the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.source |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.source_file |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.src_port |
Source port. |
long |
tenable_sc.plugin.stig_severity |
STIG severity code for the vulnarebility. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.synopsis |
A brief summary of the vulnerability or vulnerabilities associated with the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.temporal_score |
The raw CVSSv2 temporal metrics for the vulnerability. |
double |
tenable_sc.plugin.type |
The type of the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.plugin.version |
The version of the plugin. |
version |
tenable_sc.plugin.vpr.context |
The matrix of Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) for the vulnerability. |
flattened |
tenable_sc.plugin.vpr.score |
The Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) score for the vulnerability. |
double |
tenable_sc.plugin.vuln_pub_date |
Vulnarebility publish date. |
date |
tenable_sc.plugin.xrefs |
References to third-party information about the vulnerability, exploit, or update associated with the plugin presented as an array of objects. |
keyword |
editThis is the vulnerability
An example event for vulnerability
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2021-09-25T16:08:45.000Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "4e859f73-e37a-4b88-926b-cb67d01e20e1", "id": "f25d13cd-18cc-4e73-822c-c4f849322623", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "filebeat", "version": "8.10.1" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "tenable_sc.vulnerability", "namespace": "ep", "type": "logs" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.11.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "f25d13cd-18cc-4e73-822c-c4f849322623", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.10.1" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "category": [ "threat", "vulnerability" ], "created": "2023-09-22T18:02:19.559Z", "dataset": "tenable_sc.vulnerability", "ingested": "2023-09-22T18:02:22Z", "kind": "event", "original": "{\"acceptRisk\":\"0\",\"baseScore\":\"0.0\",\"bid\":\"\",\"checkType\":\"remote\",\"cpe\":\"\",\"cve\":\"CVE-1999-0524\",\"cvssV3BaseScore\":\"0.0\",\"cvssV3TemporalScore\":\"\",\"cvssV3Vector\":\"AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:N\",\"cvssVector\":\"AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N\",\"description\":\"The remote host answers to an ICMP timestamp request. This allows an attacker to know the date that is set on the targeted machine, which may assist an unauthenticated, remote attacker in defeating time-based authentication protocols.\\n\\nTimestamps returned from machines running Windows Vista / 7 / 2008 / 2008 R2 are deliberately incorrect, but usually within 1000 seconds of the actual system time.\",\"dnsName\":\"_gateway.lxd\",\"exploitAvailable\":\"No\",\"exploitEase\":\"\",\"exploitFrameworks\":\"\",\"family\":{\"id\":\"30\",\"name\":\"General\",\"type\":\"active\"},\"firstSeen\":\"1551284872\",\"hasBeenMitigated\":\"0\",\"hostUniqueness\":\"repositoryID,ip,dnsName\",\"ip\":\"\",\"ips\":\"\",\"lastSeen\":\"1632586125\",\"macAddress\":\"00:16:3e:a1:12:f7\",\"netbiosName\":\"\",\"operatingSystem\":\"Linux Kernel 2.6\",\"patchPubDate\":\"-1\",\"pluginID\":\"10114\",\"pluginInfo\":\"10114 (0/1) ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure\",\"pluginModDate\":\"1570190400\",\"pluginName\":\"ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure\",\"pluginPubDate\":\"933508800\",\"pluginText\":\"\\u003cplugin_output\\u003eThe remote clock is synchronized with the local clock.\\n\\u003c/plugin_output\\u003e\",\"port\":\"0\",\"protocol\":\"ICMP\",\"recastRisk\":\"0\",\"repository\":{\"dataFormat\":\"IPv4\",\"description\":\"\",\"id\":\"1\",\"name\":\"Live\",\"sciID\":\"1\"},\"riskFactor\":\"None\",\"seeAlso\":\"\",\"severity\":{\"description\":\"Informative\",\"id\":\"0\",\"name\":\"Info\"},\"solution\":\"Filter out the ICMP timestamp requests (13), and the outgoing ICMP timestamp replies (14).\",\"stigSeverity\":\"\",\"synopsis\":\"It is possible to determine the exact time set on the remote host.\",\"temporalScore\":\"\",\"uniqueness\":\"repositoryID,ip,dnsName\",\"uuid\":\"\",\"version\":\"1.48\",\"vprContext\":\"[{\\\"id\\\":\\\"age_of_vuln\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Vulnerability Age\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"730 days +\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"cvssV3_impactScore\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"CVSS v3 Impact Score\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"number\\\",\\\"value\\\":0},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"exploit_code_maturity\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Exploit Code Maturity\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Unproven\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"product_coverage\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Product Coverage\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Very High\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"threat_intensity_last_28\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Threat Intensity\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"Very Low\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"threat_recency\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Threat Recency\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"No recorded events\\\"},{\\\"id\\\":\\\"threat_sources_last_28\\\",\\\"name\\\":\\\"Threat Sources\\\",\\\"type\\\":\\\"string\\\",\\\"value\\\":\\\"No recorded events\\\"}]\",\"vprScore\":\"0.8\",\"vulnPubDate\":\"788961600\",\"xref\":\"CWE #200\"}", "type": [ "info" ] }, "host": { "domain": "lxd", "hostname": "_gateway.lxd", "ip": [ "" ], "mac": [ "00-16-3E-A1-12-F7" ], "name": "_gateway", "os": { "full": "Linux Kernel 2.6" } }, "input": { "type": "httpjson" }, "network": { "transport": "icmp" }, "related": { "hosts": [ "_gateway.lxd", "_gateway" ], "ip": [ "" ] }, "tags": [ "preserve_original_event", "forwarded", "tenable_sc-vulnerability" ], "tenable_sc": { "vulnerability": { "accept_risk": "0", "age": 940, "base_score": "0.0", "check_type": "remote", "custom_hash": "qVUXK2YtClsBlXncLYHLhVzynYK4hG2NbT0hY6guQm0=", "cvss_v3_vector": "AV:L/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:N", "cvss_vector": "AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:N", "dns": { "name": "_gateway.lxd" }, "exploit": { "is_available": false }, "family": { "id": "30", "name": "General", "type": "active" }, "first_seen": "2019-02-27T16:27:52.000Z", "has_been_mitigated": false, "host_uniqueness": "repositoryID,ip,dnsName", "id": "1_10.238.64.1__gateway.lxd", "ip": "", "is_vulnerability_published": true, "last_seen": "2021-09-25T16:08:45.000Z", "mac": "00-16-3E-A1-12-F7", "operating_system": "Linux Kernel 2.6", "patch": { "is_published": false }, "plugin": { "id": "10114", "info": "10114 (0/1) ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure", "is_modified": true, "is_published": true, "mod_date": "2019-10-04T12:00:00.000Z", "name": "ICMP Timestamp Request Remote Date Disclosure", "pub_date": "1999-08-01T12:00:00.000Z", "text": "<plugin_output>The remote clock is synchronized with the local clock.\n</plugin_output>" }, "port": "0", "protocol": "ICMP", "recast_risk": "0", "repository": { "data_format": "IPv4", "id": "1", "name": "Live", "sci_id": "1" }, "risk_factor": "None", "severity": { "description": "Informative", "id": "0" }, "solution": "Filter out the ICMP timestamp requests (13), and the outgoing ICMP timestamp replies (14).", "synopsis": "It is possible to determine the exact time set on the remote host.", "uniqueness": "repositoryID,ip,dnsName", "version": "1.48", "vpr": { "context": { "_original": [ { "id": "age_of_vuln", "name": "Vulnerability Age", "type": "string", "value": "730 days +" }, { "id": "cvssV3_impactScore", "name": "CVSS v3 Impact Score", "type": "number", "value": 0 }, { "id": "exploit_code_maturity", "name": "Exploit Code Maturity", "type": "string", "value": "Unproven" }, { "id": "product_coverage", "name": "Product Coverage", "type": "string", "value": "Very High" }, { "id": "threat_intensity_last_28", "name": "Threat Intensity", "type": "string", "value": "Very Low" }, { "id": "threat_recency", "name": "Threat Recency", "type": "string", "value": "No recorded events" }, { "id": "threat_sources_last_28", "name": "Threat Sources", "type": "string", "value": "No recorded events" } ], "age_of_vuln": "730 days +", "cvssV3_impactScore": 0, "exploit_code_maturity": "Unproven", "product_coverage": "Very High", "threat_intensity_last_28": "Very Low", "threat_recency": "No recorded events", "threat_sources_last_28": "No recorded events" }, "score": 0.8 }, "vuln_pub_date": "1995-01-01T12:00:00.000Z", "xref": [ "CWE #200" ] } }, "vulnerability": { "category": [ "General" ], "classification": "CVSS", "description": "The remote host answers to an ICMP timestamp request. This allows an attacker to know the date that is set on the targeted machine, which may assist an unauthenticated, remote attacker in defeating time-based authentication protocols.\n\nTimestamps returned from machines running Windows Vista / 7 / 2008 / 2008 R2 are deliberately incorrect, but usually within 1000 seconds of the actual system time.", "enumeration": "CVE", "id": [ "CVE-1999-0524" ], "reference": [ "https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-1999-0524" ], "scanner": { "vendor": "Tenable" }, "score": { "base": 0, "version": "3.0" }, "severity": "Info" } }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Event timestamp. |
date |
cloud.image.id |
Image ID for the cloud instance. |
keyword |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
event.dataset |
Event dataset. |
constant_keyword |
event.module |
Event module. |
constant_keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean |
host.os.build |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
input.type |
Input type |
keyword |
log.offset |
Log offset |
long |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.accept_risk |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.age |
The time in days between the first and last time the vulnerability was seen. |
long |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.base_score |
Intrinsic and fundamental characteristics of a vulnerability that are constant over time and user environments. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.bid |
The Bugtraq ID. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.check_type |
The type of the compliance check that detected the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.cpe |
The Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) number for the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.custom_hash |
Hash of fields plugin_id, port, protocol, tenable_sc.vulnerability.id for uniqueidentifier of an vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.cvss_v3_vector |
Additional CVSSv3 metrics for the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.cvss_vector |
Additional CVSSv2 metrics for the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.dns.name |
DNS name. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.exploit.ease |
Description of how easy it is to exploit the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.exploit.frameworks |
Framework used by exploit. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.exploit.is_available |
A value specifying whether a public exploit exists for the vulnerability. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.family.id |
Family id of the vulnarebility. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.family.name |
Family name of the vulnarebility. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.family.type |
Family type of the vulnarebility. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.first_seen |
The time and date when a scan first identified the vulnerability. |
date |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.has_been_mitigated |
Indicates whether the vulnerability has been mitigated. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.host_uniqueness |
Name of the fields used to determine the uniqueness of the host. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.id |
String containing the values of the field names mentioned in uniqueness concatenated with _. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.ip |
The ip address of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.is_vulnerability_published |
Flag for if vulnerablity is published. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.last_seen |
The time and date when a scan most recently identified the vulnerability. |
date |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.mac |
The MAC address of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.netbios.name |
NetBIOS name of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.operating_system |
The operating system of the asset where a scan found the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.patch.is_published |
Flag for if vulnerablity is patched. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.patch.pub_date |
The date on which the patch for the vulnerability was published. |
date |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.id |
The ID of the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.info |
Information regarding the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.is_modified |
Flag for if plugin is modified. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.is_published |
Flag for if plugin is published. |
boolean |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.mod_date |
The date on which the vulnerability was modified. |
date |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.name |
The name of the plugin. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.pub_date |
The date on which the vulnerability was published. |
date |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.plugin.text |
Text provided by plugin. (Usually plugin output text). |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.port |
The port the scanner used to communicate with the asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.protocol |
The protocol the scanner used to communicate with the asset. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.recast_risk |
Modified the severity risk measure of vulnerabilities using recast rules. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.repository.data_format |
The data format of the repository. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.repository.description |
The description of the repository. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.repository.id |
The ID of the repository. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.repository.name |
The name of the repository. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.repository.sci_id |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.risk_factor |
The risk factor associated with the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.severity.description |
The description of the severity. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.severity.id |
The code for the severity assigned when a user recasts the risk associated with the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.solution |
Remediation information for the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.stig_severity |
Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) severity code for the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.synopsis |
Brief description of the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.temporal_score |
Characteristics of a vulnerability that change over time but not among user environments. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.uniqueness |
Name of the fields used to determine the uniqueness of the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.uuid |
N/A. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.version |
The version of the vulnerability. |
keyword |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.vpr.context |
The matrix of Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) for the vulnerability. |
flattened |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.vpr.score |
The Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) score for the vulnerability. |
double |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.vuln_pub_date |
The date on which the vulnerability was published. |
date |
tenable_sc.vulnerability.xref |
References to third-party information about the vulnerability, exploit, or update associated with the plugin. |
keyword |
Version | Details | Kibana version(s) |
1.29.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.28.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.28.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.28.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.27.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.26.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.25.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.24.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.23.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.13.0 or higher |
1.22.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.12.0 or higher |
1.21.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.12.0 or higher |
1.20.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.20.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.20.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.19.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.18.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.17.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.16.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.15.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.14.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.13.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.12.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.11.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.10.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.9.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
1.8.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.7.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.7.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.6.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.6.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.6.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.5.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.4.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.4.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.3.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.3.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.2.2 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.2.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
— |
1.2.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.1.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.1.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.1.0 or higher |
1.0.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.16.0 or higher |
0.2.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
— |
0.1.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
— |