editVersion |
2.7.0 (View all) |
Compatible Kibana version(s) |
8.17.0 or higher |
Supported Serverless project types |
Security |
Subscription level |
Basic |
Level of support |
Elastic |
This integration collects logs and metrics from Logstash instances.
You can find additional information about monitoring Logstash with the Logstash integration in the Logstash Reference: Monitoring Logstash with Elastic Agent.
editThe logstash
package works with Logstash 8.5.0 and later
Metrics Collection
editMetric collection for the Logstash integration can be done via Elastic Agent (preferred) or with Stack Monitoring. By utilizing Elastic Agent we are able to query additional monitoring APIs and provide additional dashboards, which provide the best view into your Logstash deployment and pipeline execution.
Elastic Agent based metrics collection is not compatible with the Stack Monitoring UI inside Kibana, please only select Metrics (Elastic Agent).
Users that prefer the Stack Monitoring UI should uncheck Metrics (Elastic Agent)
and continue to use Metrics (Stack Monitoring)
Fields and Sample Events
editHealth Report
editThe health report api is available starting with Logstash 8.16.0, which provides the health_report
dataset for Node health and Pipeline health dashboards
An example event for health_report looks as following:
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Date/time when the event originated. This is the date/time extracted from the event, typically representing when the event was generated by the source. If the event source has no original timestamp, this value is typically populated by the first time the event was received by the pipeline. Required field for all events. |
date |
data_stream.dataset |
The field can contain anything that makes sense to signify the source of the data. Examples include |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
A user defined namespace. Namespaces are useful to allow grouping of data. Many users already organize their indices this way, and the data stream naming scheme now provides this best practice as a default. Many users will populate this field with |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
An overarching type for the data stream. Currently allowed values are "logs" and "metrics". We expect to also add "traces" and "synthetics" in the near future. |
constant_keyword |
ecs.version |
ECS version this event conforms to. |
keyword |
error.message |
Error message. |
match_only_text |
event.dataset |
Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It’s recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. |
keyword |
event.duration |
Duration of the event in nanoseconds. If event.start and event.end are known this value should be the difference between the end and start time. |
long |
event.module |
Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), |
keyword |
logstash.node.address |
keyword |
logstash.node.name |
keyword |
logstash.node.status |
keyword |
logstash.node.symptom |
keyword |
logstash.node.symptom.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
logstash.node.uuid |
keyword |
logstash.node.version |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.diagnosis.action |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.diagnosis.action.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
logstash.pipeline.diagnosis.cause |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.diagnosis.cause.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
logstash.pipeline.diagnosis.help_url |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.diagnosis.help_url.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
logstash.pipeline.diagnosis.id |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.flow.worker_utilization.current |
float |
logstash.pipeline.flow.worker_utilization.last_15_minutes |
float |
logstash.pipeline.flow.worker_utilization.last_1_hour |
float |
logstash.pipeline.flow.worker_utilization.last_1_minute |
float |
logstash.pipeline.flow.worker_utilization.last_24_hours |
float |
logstash.pipeline.flow.worker_utilization.last_5_minutes |
float |
logstash.pipeline.flow.worker_utilization.lifetime |
float |
logstash.pipeline.id |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.impacts.description |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.impacts.description.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
logstash.pipeline.impacts.id |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.impacts.impact_areas |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.impacts.severity |
short |
logstash.pipeline.state |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.status |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.symptom |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.symptom.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
process.pid |
Process id. |
long |
service.address |
Address where data about this service was collected from. This should be a URI, network address (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port) or a resource path (sockets). |
keyword |
service.hostname |
Hostname of the service |
keyword |
service.id |
Unique identifier of the running service. If the service is comprised of many nodes, the |
keyword |
service.name |
Name of the service data is collected from. The name of the service is normally user given. This allows for distributed services that run on multiple hosts to correlate the related instances based on the name. In the case of Elasticsearch the |
keyword |
service.type |
The type of the service data is collected from. The type can be used to group and correlate logs and metrics from one service type. Example: If logs or metrics are collected from Elasticsearch, |
keyword |
service.version |
Version of the service the data was collected from. This allows to look at a data set only for a specific version of a service. |
keyword |
An example event for health_report
looks as following:
{ "logstash": { "pipeline": { "symptom": "The pipeline is unhealthy; 1 area is impacted and 1 diagnosis is available", "diagnosis": { "help_url": "https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/8.17/health-report-pipeline-status.html#terminated", "action": "view logs to determine the cause of abnormal pipeline shutdown", "cause": "pipeline is not running, likely because it has encountered an error", "id": "logstash:health:pipeline:status:diagnosis:terminated" }, "state": "TERMINATED", "impacts": { "severity": 1, "impact_areas": [ "pipeline_execution" ], "description": "the pipeline is not currently processing", "id": "logstash:health:pipeline:status:impact:not_processing" }, "id": "bad", "flow": { "worker_utilization": { "current": 0.000001826, "last_24_hours": 0.000001826, "last_5_minutes": 0.000001826, "last_1_hour": 0.000001826, "last_15_minutes": 0.000001826, "lifetime": 0.000001826, "last_1_minute": 0.000001826 } }, "status": "red" }, "node": { "address": "", "name": "9cbebe0b66d9", "version": "8.17.1", "uuid": "1a3d4358-0d0a-4b82-8cf7-21f59ea592e8" } } }
editThis is the node
dataset, which drives the Node dashboard pages.
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type | Metric Type |
@timestamp |
Date/time when the event originated. This is the date/time extracted from the event, typically representing when the event was generated by the source. If the event source has no original timestamp, this value is typically populated by the first time the event was received by the pipeline. Required field for all events. |
date |
cloud.account.id |
The cloud account or organization id used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account id, Google Cloud ORG Id, or other unique identifier. |
keyword |
cloud.availability_zone |
Availability zone in which this host, resource, or service is located. |
keyword |
cloud.image.id |
Image ID for the cloud instance. |
keyword |
cloud.instance.id |
Instance ID of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.instance.name |
Instance name of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.machine.type |
Machine type of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.project.id |
The cloud project identifier. Examples: Google Cloud Project id, Azure Project id. |
keyword |
cloud.provider |
Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, or digitalocean. |
keyword |
cloud.region |
Region in which this host, resource, or service is located. |
keyword |
cluster_uuid |
alias |
container.id |
Unique container id. |
keyword |
container.image.name |
Name of the image the container was built on. |
keyword |
container.labels |
Image labels. |
object |
container.name |
Container name. |
keyword |
data_stream.dataset |
The field can contain anything that makes sense to signify the source of the data. Examples include |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
A user defined namespace. Namespaces are useful to allow grouping of data. Many users already organize their indices this way, and the data stream naming scheme now provides this best practice as a default. Many users will populate this field with |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
An overarching type for the data stream. Currently allowed values are "logs" and "metrics". We expect to also add "traces" and "synthetics" in the near future. |
constant_keyword |
ecs.version |
ECS version this event conforms to. |
keyword |
error.message |
Error message. |
match_only_text |
event.dataset |
Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It’s recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. |
keyword |
event.duration |
Duration of the event in nanoseconds. If event.start and event.end are known this value should be the difference between the end and start time. |
long |
event.module |
Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), |
keyword |
host.architecture |
Operating system architecture. |
keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean |
host.domain |
Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host’s Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host’s LDAP provider. |
keyword |
host.hostname |
Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the |
keyword |
host.id |
Unique host id. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of |
keyword |
host.ip |
Host ip addresses. |
ip |
host.mac |
Host MAC addresses. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen. |
keyword |
host.name |
Name of the host. It can contain what |
keyword |
host.os.build |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
host.os.family |
OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). |
keyword |
host.os.kernel |
Operating system kernel version as a raw string. |
keyword |
host.os.name |
Operating system name, without the version. |
keyword |
host.os.name.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
host.os.platform |
Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). |
keyword |
host.os.version |
Operating system version as a raw string. |
keyword |
host.type |
Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like |
keyword |
input.type |
keyword |
logstash.elasticsearch.cluster.id |
keyword |
logstash.host.address |
alias |
logstash.host.name |
alias |
logstash.node.stats.events.duration_in_millis |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.events.filtered |
Filtered events counter |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.events.in |
Incoming events counter |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.events.out |
Outgoing events counter |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.events.queue_push_duration_in_millis |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.old.collection_count |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.old.collection_time_in_millis |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.young.collection_count |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.gc.collectors.young.collection_time_in_millis |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.heap_committed_in_bytes |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.heap_max_in_bytes |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.heap_used_in_bytes |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.heap_used_percent |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.non_heap_committed_in_bytes |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.non_heap_used_in_bytes |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.threads.count |
current number of threads |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.threads.peak_count |
peak number of threads |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.uptime_in_millis |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.ephemeral_id |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.host |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.http_address |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.name |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.pipeline.batch_delay |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.pipeline.batch_size |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.pipeline.workers |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.pipelines |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.snapshot |
boolean |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.status |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.uuid |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.version |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.cfs_quota_micros |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.control_group |
text |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.stat.number_of_elapsed_periods |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.stat.number_of_times_throttled |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.stat.time_throttled_nanos |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpuacct.control_group |
text |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpuacct.usage_nanos |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.load_average.15m |
half_float |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.load_average.1m |
half_float |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.load_average.5m |
half_float |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.percent |
double |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.total_in_millis |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.ephemeral_id |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.events.duration_in_millis |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.events.filtered |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.events.in |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.events.out |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.events.queue_push_duration_in_millis |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.hash |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.id |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.events_count |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.max_queue_size_in_bytes |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.queue_size_in_bytes |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.type |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.reloads.failures |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.reloads.successes |
long |
logstash.node.stats.process.cpu.load_average.15m |
half_float |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.process.cpu.load_average.1m |
half_float |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.process.cpu.load_average.5m |
half_float |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.process.cpu.percent |
double |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.process.cpu.total_in_millis |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.process.max_file_descriptors |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.process.mem.total_virtual_in_bytes |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.process.open_file_descriptors |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.process.peak_open_file_descriptors |
long |
gauge |
logstash.node.stats.queue.events_count |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.reloads.failures |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.reloads.successes |
long |
counter |
logstash.node.stats.timestamp |
date |
logstash.pipeline.name |
alias |
process.pid |
Process id. |
long |
service.address |
Address where data about this service was collected from. This should be a URI, network address (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port) or a resource path (sockets). |
keyword |
service.hostname |
Hostname of the service |
keyword |
service.id |
Unique identifier of the running service. If the service is comprised of many nodes, the |
keyword |
service.name |
Name of the service data is collected from. The name of the service is normally user given. This allows for distributed services that run on multiple hosts to correlate the related instances based on the name. In the case of Elasticsearch the |
keyword |
service.type |
The type of the service data is collected from. The type can be used to group and correlate logs and metrics from one service type. Example: If logs or metrics are collected from Elasticsearch, |
keyword |
service.version |
Version of the service the data was collected from. This allows to look at a data set only for a specific version of a service. |
keyword |
An example event for node_cel
looks as following:
{ "logstash": { "node": { "stats": { "jvm": { "mem": { "heap_committed_in_bytes": 264241152, "heap_used_percent": 2, "heap_max_in_bytes": 5184159742, "non_heap_committed_in_bytes": 191889408, "heap_used_in_bytes": 143564464, "non_heap_used_in_bytes": 180940656 }, "threads": { "count": 83, "peak_count": 85 }, "uptime_in_millis": 448206 }, "logstash": { "pipeline": { "batch_delay": 50, "batch_size": 125, "workers": 8 }, "pipelines": [ "standalone-pipeline", "pipeline-with-memory-queue", "pipeline-with-persisted-queue" ], "http_address": "", "name": "21d61ee7529e", "host": "21d61ee7529e", "ephemeral_id": "fa27552b-e31d-463d-a5db-f470e6c2f0ba", "version": "8.6.0", "uuid": "2566e68f-ea0e-4dd0-8b65-17bc7bd9f685", "snapshot": false, "status": "green" }, "process": { "open_file_descriptors": 94, "mem": { "total_virtual_in_bytes": 11442712576 }, "max_file_descriptors": 1048576, "cpu": { "load_average": { "5m": 1.49, "15m": 1.23, "1m": 0.74 }, "total_in_millis": 130690, "percent": 2 }, "peak_open_file_descriptors": 95 }, "os": { "cpu": { "load_average": { "5m": 1.49, "15m": 1.23, "1m": 0.74 }, "total_in_millis": 130690, "percent": 2 }, "cgroup": {} }, "events": { "filtered": 27752, "in": 28442, "queue_push_duration_in_millis": 597, "duration_in_millis": 3202220, "out": 27752 }, "queue": { "events_count": 0 }, "reloads": { "failures": 0, "successes": 0 } } } }, "input": { "type": "cel" }, "agent": { "name": "MacBook-Pro.local", "id": "b88de78b-7bd7-49ae-99d7-f68ea18070c4", "type": "filebeat", "ephemeral_id": "e24a6e70-8e93-4d18-8535-319e63c81bc8", "version": "8.10.1" }, "@timestamp": "2023-10-04T18:53:48.769Z", "ecs": { "version": "8.0.0" }, "data_stream": { "namespace": "default", "type": "metrics", "dataset": "logstash.node" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "b88de78b-7bd7-49ae-99d7-f68ea18070c4", "version": "8.10.1", "snapshot": false }, "host": { "hostname": "macbook-pro.local", "os": { "build": "22F82", "kernel": "22.5.0", "name": "macOS", "family": "darwin", "type": "macos", "version": "13.4.1", "platform": "darwin" }, "ip": [ "" ], "name": "macbook-pro.local", "id": "AA4215F6-994F-5CCE-B6F2-B6AED75AE125", "mac": [ "AC-DE-48-00-11-22" ], "architecture": "x86_64" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "ingested": "2023-10-04T18:53:49Z", "dataset": "logstash.node" } }
editThis is the pipeline
dataset, which drives the Pipeline dashboard pages.
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type | Unit | Metric Type |
@timestamp |
Date/time when the event originated. This is the date/time extracted from the event, typically representing when the event was generated by the source. If the event source has no original timestamp, this value is typically populated by the first time the event was received by the pipeline. Required field for all events. |
date |
cloud.account.id |
The cloud account or organization id used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account id, Google Cloud ORG Id, or other unique identifier. |
keyword |
cloud.availability_zone |
Availability zone in which this host, resource, or service is located. |
keyword |
cloud.image.id |
Image ID for the cloud instance. |
keyword |
cloud.instance.id |
Instance ID of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.instance.name |
Instance name of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.machine.type |
Machine type of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.project.id |
The cloud project identifier. Examples: Google Cloud Project id, Azure Project id. |
keyword |
cloud.provider |
Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, or digitalocean. |
keyword |
cloud.region |
Region in which this host, resource, or service is located. |
keyword |
cluster_uuid |
alias |
container.id |
Unique container id. |
keyword |
container.image.name |
Name of the image the container was built on. |
keyword |
container.labels |
Image labels. |
object |
container.name |
Container name. |
keyword |
data_stream.dataset |
The field can contain anything that makes sense to signify the source of the data. Examples include |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
A user defined namespace. Namespaces are useful to allow grouping of data. Many users already organize their indices this way, and the data stream naming scheme now provides this best practice as a default. Many users will populate this field with |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
An overarching type for the data stream. Currently allowed values are "logs" and "metrics". We expect to also add "traces" and "synthetics" in the near future. |
constant_keyword |
ecs.version |
ECS version this event conforms to. |
keyword |
error.message |
Error message. |
match_only_text |
event.dataset |
Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It’s recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. |
keyword |
event.duration |
Duration of the event in nanoseconds. If event.start and event.end are known this value should be the difference between the end and start time. |
long |
event.module |
Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), |
keyword |
host.architecture |
Operating system architecture. |
keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean |
host.domain |
Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host’s Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host’s LDAP provider. |
keyword |
host.hostname |
Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the |
keyword |
host.id |
Unique host id. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of |
keyword |
host.ip |
Host ip addresses. |
ip |
host.mac |
Host MAC addresses. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen. |
keyword |
host.name |
Name of the host. It can contain what |
keyword |
host.os.build |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
host.os.family |
OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). |
keyword |
host.os.kernel |
Operating system kernel version as a raw string. |
keyword |
host.os.name |
Operating system name, without the version. |
keyword |
host.os.name.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
host.os.platform |
Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). |
keyword |
host.os.version |
Operating system version as a raw string. |
keyword |
host.type |
Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like |
keyword |
input.type |
keyword |
logstash.host.address |
alias |
logstash.host.name |
alias |
logstash.pipeline.elasticsearch.cluster.id |
Elasticsearch clusters this Logstash pipeline is attached to |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.host.address |
address hosting this instance of logstash |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.host.name |
Host name of the node running logstash |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.info.batch_delay |
Batch delay for the running pipeline |
long |
logstash.pipeline.info.batch_size |
Batch size for the running pipeline |
long |
logstash.pipeline.info.ephemeral_id |
Ephemeral Id for the running pipeline |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.info.workers |
Number of workers for the running pipeline |
long |
logstash.pipeline.name |
Logstash Pipeline id/name |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.total.events.filtered |
Number of events filtered by the pipeline |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.total.events.in |
Number of events received by the pipeline |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.total.events.out |
Number of events emitted by the pipeline |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.filter_throughput.current |
current value of the filter throughput flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.filter_throughput.last_1_minute |
current value of the filter throughput flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.input_throughput.current |
current value of the input throughput flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.input_throughput.last_1_minute |
current value of the throughput flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.output_throughput.current |
current value of the output throughput flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.output_throughput.last_1_minute |
current value of the output throughput flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.queue_backpressure.current |
current value of the queue backpressure flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.queue_backpressure.last_1_minute |
current value of the queue backpressure flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.queue_persisted_growth_bytes.current |
current value of the queue persisted growth bytes flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.queue_persisted_growth_bytes.last_1_minute |
current value of the queue persisted growth bytes flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.queue_persisted_growth_events.current |
current value of the queue persisted growth events flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.queue_persisted_growth_events.last_1_minute |
current value of the queue persisted growth events flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.worker_concurrency.current |
last 1 minute value of the worker utilization flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.worker_concurrency.last_1_minute |
current value of the worker concurrency flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.worker_utilization.current |
last 1 minute value of the worker concurrency flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.flow.worker_utilization.last_1_minute |
current value of the worker concurrency flow metric |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.queues.current_size.bytes |
Current size of the PQ |
long |
byte |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.queues.events |
Number of events in the PQ for this pipeline |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.total.queues.max_size.bytes |
Maximum possible size of the PQ |
long |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.total.queues.type |
Type of queue - persistent or memory |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.total.reloads.failures |
Number of failed reloads for this pipeline |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.total.reloads.successes |
Number of successful reloads for this pipeline |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.total.time.duration.ms |
Time spent processing events through the pipeline. |
long |
ms |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.total.time.queue_push_duration.ms |
Time spent pushing events to the queue for this pipeline. |
long |
ms |
counter |
process.pid |
Process id. |
long |
service.address |
Address where data about this service was collected from. This should be a URI, network address (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port) or a resource path (sockets). |
keyword |
service.hostname |
Hostname of the service |
keyword |
service.id |
Unique identifier of the running service. If the service is comprised of many nodes, the |
keyword |
service.name |
Name of the service data is collected from. The name of the service is normally user given. This allows for distributed services that run on multiple hosts to correlate the related instances based on the name. In the case of Elasticsearch the |
keyword |
service.type |
The type of the service data is collected from. The type can be used to group and correlate logs and metrics from one service type. Example: If logs or metrics are collected from Elasticsearch, |
keyword |
service.version |
Version of the service the data was collected from. This allows to look at a data set only for a specific version of a service. |
keyword |
An example event for pipeline
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2023-10-04T18:53:18.708Z", "data_stream": { "dataset": "logstash.pipeline", "namespace": "default", "type": "metrics" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.0.0" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "dataset": "logstash.pipeline", "ingested": "2023-10-04T18:53:19Z" }, "host": { "architecture": "x86_64", "hostname": "macbook-pro.local", "id": "AA4215F6-994F-5CCE-B6F2-B6AED75AE125", "ip": [ "" ], "mac": [ "AC-DE-48-00-11-22" ], "name": "macbook-pro.local", "os": { "build": "22F82", "family": "darwin", "kernel": "22.5.0", "name": "macOS", "platform": "darwin", "version": "13.4.1" } }, "input": { "type": "cel" }, "logstash": { "pipeline": { "host": { "address": "", "name": "21d61ee7529e" }, "name": "standalone-pipeline", "total": { "events": { "filtered": 2038, "in": 2038, "out": 2038 }, "flow": { "filter_throughput": { "current": 5.02, "last_1_minute": 5.003 }, "input_throughput": { "current": 4.948, "last_1_minute": 5.003 }, "output_throughput": { "current": 5.02, "last_1_minute": 5.003 }, "queue_backpressure": { "current": 0, "last_1_minute": 0 }, "worker_concurrency": { "current": 0.001, "last_1_minute": 0.001 } }, "queues": { "current_size": { "bytes": 0 }, "events": 0, "max_size": { "bytes": 0 }, "type": "memory" }, "reloads": { "failures": 0, "successes": 0 }, "time": { "duration": { "ms": 1363 }, "queue_push_duration": { "ms": 12 } } } } } }
editThis is the plugin
dataset, which drives the Pipeline detail dashboard pages. Note that this dataset may produce many documents for logstash instances using a large number of pipelines and/or plugins within those pipelines. For those instances, we recommend reviewing the
pipeline collection period, and setting it to an appropriate value.
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type | Unit | Metric Type |
@timestamp |
Date/time when the event originated. This is the date/time extracted from the event, typically representing when the event was generated by the source. If the event source has no original timestamp, this value is typically populated by the first time the event was received by the pipeline. Required field for all events. |
date |
cloud.account.id |
The cloud account or organization id used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account id, Google Cloud ORG Id, or other unique identifier. |
keyword |
cloud.availability_zone |
Availability zone in which this host, resource, or service is located. |
keyword |
cloud.image.id |
Image ID for the cloud instance. |
keyword |
cloud.instance.id |
Instance ID of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.instance.name |
Instance name of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.machine.type |
Machine type of the host machine. |
keyword |
cloud.project.id |
The cloud project identifier. Examples: Google Cloud Project id, Azure Project id. |
keyword |
cloud.provider |
Name of the cloud provider. Example values are aws, azure, gcp, or digitalocean. |
keyword |
cloud.region |
Region in which this host, resource, or service is located. |
keyword |
cluster_uuid |
alias |
container.id |
Unique container id. |
keyword |
container.image.name |
Name of the image the container was built on. |
keyword |
container.labels |
Image labels. |
object |
container.name |
Container name. |
keyword |
data_stream.dataset |
The field can contain anything that makes sense to signify the source of the data. Examples include |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
A user defined namespace. Namespaces are useful to allow grouping of data. Many users already organize their indices this way, and the data stream naming scheme now provides this best practice as a default. Many users will populate this field with |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
An overarching type for the data stream. Currently allowed values are "logs" and "metrics". We expect to also add "traces" and "synthetics" in the near future. |
constant_keyword |
ecs.version |
ECS version this event conforms to. |
keyword |
error.message |
Error message. |
match_only_text |
event.dataset |
Name of the dataset. If an event source publishes more than one type of log or events (e.g. access log, error log), the dataset is used to specify which one the event comes from. It’s recommended but not required to start the dataset name with the module name, followed by a dot, then the dataset name. |
keyword |
event.duration |
Duration of the event in nanoseconds. If event.start and event.end are known this value should be the difference between the end and start time. |
long |
event.module |
Name of the module this data is coming from. If your monitoring agent supports the concept of modules or plugins to process events of a given source (e.g. Apache logs), |
keyword |
host.architecture |
Operating system architecture. |
keyword |
host.containerized |
If the host is a container. |
boolean |
host.domain |
Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host’s Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host’s LDAP provider. |
keyword |
host.hostname |
Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the |
keyword |
host.id |
Unique host id. As hostname is not always unique, use values that are meaningful in your environment. Example: The current usage of |
keyword |
host.ip |
Host ip addresses. |
ip |
host.mac |
Host MAC addresses. The notation format from RFC 7042 is suggested: Each octet (that is, 8-bit byte) is represented by two [uppercase] hexadecimal digits giving the value of the octet as an unsigned integer. Successive octets are separated by a hyphen. |
keyword |
host.name |
Name of the host. It can contain what |
keyword |
host.os.build |
OS build information. |
keyword |
host.os.codename |
OS codename, if any. |
keyword |
host.os.family |
OS family (such as redhat, debian, freebsd, windows). |
keyword |
host.os.kernel |
Operating system kernel version as a raw string. |
keyword |
host.os.name |
Operating system name, without the version. |
keyword |
host.os.name.text |
Multi-field of |
match_only_text |
host.os.platform |
Operating system platform (such centos, ubuntu, windows). |
keyword |
host.os.version |
Operating system version as a raw string. |
keyword |
host.type |
Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like |
keyword |
input.type |
keyword |
logstash.host.address |
alias |
logstash.host.name |
alias |
logstash.pipeline.elasticsearch.cluster.id |
Elasticsearch clusters this Logstash pipeline is attached to |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.host.address |
address hosting this instance of logstash |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.host.name |
Host name of the node running logstash |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.id |
Logstash Pipeline hash |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.name |
Logstash Pipeline id/name |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.codec.decode.duration.ms |
amount of time spend decoding events |
long |
ms |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.codec.decode.in |
number of events entering the decoder |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.codec.decode.out |
number of events exiting the decoder |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.codec.encode.duration.ms |
amount of time spend encoding events |
long |
ms |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.codec.encode.in |
number of events encoded |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.codec.id |
Id of codec plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.codec.name |
Name of codec plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.elasticsearch.cluster.id |
Elasticsearch clusters this Logstash plugin is attached to |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.events.in |
number of events received by the filter |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.events.out |
number of events emitted by the filter |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.flow.worker_millis_per_event.current |
amount of time spent per event for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.flow.worker_millis_per_event.last_1_minute |
amount of time spent per event for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.flow.worker_utilization.current |
worker utilization for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.flow.worker_utilization.last_1_minute |
worker utilization for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.id |
Id of filter plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.metrics.dissect.failures |
number of dissect failures |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.metrics.dissect.matches |
number of dissect matches |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.metrics.grok.failures |
number of grok failures |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.metrics.grok.matches |
number of grok matches |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.name |
Name of filter plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.source.column |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.source.id |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.source.line |
long |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.source.protocol |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.filter.time.duration.ms |
amount of time working on events in this plugin |
long |
ms |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.elasticsearch.cluster.id |
Elasticsearch clusters this Logstash plugin is attached to |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.events.out |
number of events emitted by the input |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.flow.throughput.current |
throughput of this input plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.flow.throughput.last_1_minute |
throughput of this input plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.id |
Id of input plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.name |
Name of input plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.source.column |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.source.id |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.source.line |
long |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.source.protocol |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.input.time.queue_push_duration.ms |
amount of time spend pushing events to the queue |
long |
ms |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.elasticsearch.cluster.id |
Elasticsearch clusters this Logstash plugin is attached to |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.events.in |
number of events received by the output |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.events.out |
number of events emitted by the output |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.flow.worker_millis_per_event.current |
amount of time spent per event for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.flow.worker_millis_per_event.last_1_minute |
amount of time spent per event for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.flow.worker_utilization.current |
worker utilization for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.flow.worker_utilization.last_1_minute |
worker utilization for this plugin |
scaled_float |
gauge |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.id |
Id of output plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.200 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.201 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.400 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.401 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.403 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.404 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.409 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.413 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.429 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.responses.500 |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.bulk_requests.successes |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.documents.non_retryable_failures |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.metrics.elasticsearch.documents.successes |
long |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.name |
Name of output plugin |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.source.column |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.source.id |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.source.line |
long |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.source.protocol |
keyword |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.output.time.duration.ms |
amount of time working on events in this plugin |
long |
ms |
counter |
logstash.pipeline.plugin.type |
Type of the plugin |
keyword |
process.pid |
Process id. |
long |
service.address |
Address where data about this service was collected from. This should be a URI, network address (ipv4:port or [ipv6]:port) or a resource path (sockets). |
keyword |
service.hostname |
Hostname of the service |
keyword |
service.id |
Unique identifier of the running service. If the service is comprised of many nodes, the |
keyword |
service.name |
Name of the service data is collected from. The name of the service is normally user given. This allows for distributed services that run on multiple hosts to correlate the related instances based on the name. In the case of Elasticsearch the |
keyword |
service.type |
The type of the service data is collected from. The type can be used to group and correlate logs and metrics from one service type. Example: If logs or metrics are collected from Elasticsearch, |
keyword |
service.version |
Version of the service the data was collected from. This allows to look at a data set only for a specific version of a service. |
keyword |
An example event for plugins
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2023-10-24T17:56:40.316Z", "data_stream": { "dataset": "logstash.plugins", "namespace": "default", "type": "metrics" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.0.0" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "dataset": "logstash.plugins", "ingested": "2023-10-24T17:56:41Z" }, "host": { "architecture": "x86_64", "hostname": "macbook-pro.local", "id": "AA4215F6-994F-5CCE-B6F2-B6AED75AE125", "ip": [ "" ], "mac": [ "AC-DE-48-00-11-22" ], "name": "macbook-pro.local", "os": { "build": "22G120", "family": "darwin", "kernel": "22.6.0", "name": "macOS", "platform": "darwin", "version": "13.6" } }, "input": { "type": "cel" }, "logstash": { "pipeline": { "elasticsearch": { "cluster": { "id": "9MOGoKiESvaklNVmxLo3iA" } }, "host": { "address": "", "name": "logstash9602" }, "id": "b18ff60bcd82055aab2bf5601a2bc170502f80b33ab5938f25fa95ec8b04cd4b", "name": "work", "plugin": { "output": { "elasticsearch": { "cluster": { "id": "9MOGoKiESvaklNVmxLo3iA" } }, "events": { "in": 798, "out": 798 }, "flow": { "worker_millis_per_event": { "current": 54, "last_1_minute": 54 }, "worker_utilization": { "current": 0.023, "last_1_minute": 0.01 } }, "id": "out_to_elasticsearch", "metrics": { "elasticsearch": { "bulk_requests": { "responses": { "200": 798 }, "successes": 798 }, "documents": { "successes": 798 } } }, "name": "elasticsearch", "source": { "column": "3", "id": "/Users/test/ingestdemo/logstash-8.8.2/remap.conf", "line": 132, "protocol": "file" }, "time": { "duration": { "ms": 198060 } } }, "type": "output" } } } }
editLogstash package supports the plain text format and the JSON format. Also, two types of logs can be activated with the Logstash package:
collects and parses the logs that Logstash writes to disk. -
parses the logstash slowlog (make sure to configure the Logstash slowlog option).
Known issues
editWhen using the log
data stream to parse plaintext logs, if a multiline plaintext log contains an embedded JSON object such that
the JSON object starts on a new line, the fileset may not parse the multiline plaintext log event correctly.
editLogstash metric related data streams works with Logstash 7.3.0 and later.
Node Stats
An example event for node_stats
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2023-03-02T15:57:56.968Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "16f2dd63-454b-4699-a8c8-2a748bd044b8", "id": "3cc85092-54dc-4b58-8726-5e9458167f42", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "metricbeat", "version": "8.5.0" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "logstash.stack_monitoring.node_stats", "namespace": "ep", "type": "metrics" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.0.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "3cc85092-54dc-4b58-8726-5e9458167f42", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.5.0" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "dataset": "logstash.stack_monitoring.node_stats", "duration": 48419400, "ingested": "2023-03-02T15:57:58Z", "module": "logstash" }, "host": { "architecture": "x86_64", "containerized": true, "hostname": "docker-fleet-agent", "id": "66392b0697b84641af8006d87aeb89f1", "ip": [ "" ], "mac": [ "02-42-C0-A8-E0-07" ], "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "os": { "codename": "focal", "family": "debian", "kernel": "5.10.47-linuxkit", "name": "Ubuntu", "platform": "ubuntu", "type": "linux", "version": "20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)" } }, "logstash": { "cluster": { "id": "0toa26-cTzmqx0WD40-4XQ" }, "elasticsearch": { "cluster": { "id": "0toa26-cTzmqx0WD40-4XQ" } }, "node": { "stats": { "events": { "duration_in_millis": 334, "filtered": 138, "in": 618, "out": 138 }, "jvm": { "gc": { "collectors": { "old": { "collection_count": 0, "collection_time_in_millis": 0 }, "young": { "collection_count": 13, "collection_time_in_millis": 177 } } }, "mem": { "heap_max_in_bytes": 10527703038, "heap_used_in_bytes": 234688352, "heap_used_percent": 2 }, "uptime_in_millis": 21450 }, "logstash": { "ephemeral_id": "17681d23-bd67-4c40-b6b1-63e97b560856", "host": "170bc3698b89", "http_address": "", "name": "170bc3698b89", "pipeline": { "batch_size": 125, "workers": 10 }, "snapshot": false, "status": "green", "uuid": "a4224a67-aae8-4bce-8660-079d068b2e72", "version": "8.5.0" }, "os": { "cgroup": { "cpu": { "cfs_quota_micros": -1, "control_group": "/", "stat": { "number_of_elapsed_periods": 0, "number_of_times_throttled": 0, "time_throttled_nanos": 0 } }, "cpuacct": { "control_group": "/", "usage_nanos": 55911664431 } }, "cpu": { "load_average": { "15m": 2.28, "1m": 2.85, "5m": 2.62 }, "percent": 0 } }, "pipelines": [ { "ephemeral_id": "453a2361-82d8-4d88-b7a4-063c3293cd4a", "events": { "duration_in_millis": 0, "filtered": 0, "in": 476, "out": 0, "queue_push_duration_in_millis": 59 }, "hash": "d83c53e142e85177df0f039e5b9f4575b858e9cfdd51c2c60b1a9e8d5f9b1aaa", "id": "pipeline-with-persisted-queue", "queue": { "capacity": { "max_queue_size_in_bytes": 1073741824, "max_unread_events": 0, "page_capacity_in_bytes": 67108864, "queue_size_in_bytes": 132880 }, "data": { "free_space_in_bytes": 51709984768, "path": "/usr/share/logstash/data/queue/pipeline-with-persisted-queue", "storage_type": "overlay" }, "events": 0, "events_count": 0, "max_queue_size_in_bytes": 1073741824, "queue_size_in_bytes": 132880, "type": "persisted" }, "reloads": { "failures": 0, "successes": 0 }, "vertices": [ { "events_out": 475, "id": "dfc132c40b9f5dbc970604f191cf87ee04b102b6f4be5a235436973dc7ea6368", "pipeline_ephemeral_id": "453a2361-82d8-4d88-b7a4-063c3293cd4a", "queue_push_duration_in_millis": 59 }, { "duration_in_millis": 0, "events_in": 375, "events_out": 0, "id": "e24d45cc4f3bb9981356480856120ed5f68127abbc3af7f47e7bca32460e5019", "pipeline_ephemeral_id": "453a2361-82d8-4d88-b7a4-063c3293cd4a" }, { "cluster_uuid": "0toa26-cTzmqx0WD40-4XQ", "duration_in_millis": 1, "events_in": 0, "events_out": 0, "id": "9ba6577aa5c41a5ebcaae010b9a0ef44015ae68c624596ed924417d1701abc21", "pipeline_ephemeral_id": "453a2361-82d8-4d88-b7a4-063c3293cd4a" } ] }, { "ephemeral_id": "7114cd7d-8d91-4afc-a986-32487c3edcbe", "events": { "duration_in_millis": 191, "filtered": 91, "in": 95, "out": 91, "queue_push_duration_in_millis": 4 }, "hash": "0542fa70daa36dc3e858ea099f125cc8c9e451ebbfe8ea8867e52f9764da0a35", "id": "pipeline-with-memory-queue", "queue": { "events_count": 0, "max_queue_size_in_bytes": 0, "queue_size_in_bytes": 0, "type": "memory" }, "reloads": { "failures": 0, "successes": 0 }, "vertices": [ { "events_out": 95, "id": "4c5941552cdaa72ebc285557c697a7150c359ee3eacf9b5664c4b1048e26153b", "pipeline_ephemeral_id": "7114cd7d-8d91-4afc-a986-32487c3edcbe", "queue_push_duration_in_millis": 4 }, { "cluster_uuid": "0toa26-cTzmqx0WD40-4XQ", "duration_in_millis": 193, "events_in": 91, "events_out": 91, "id": "635a080aacc8700059852859da284a9cb92cb78a6d7112fbf55e441e51b6658a", "long_counters": [ { "name": "bulk_requests.successes", "value": 12 }, { "name": "bulk_requests.responses.200", "value": 12 }, { "name": "documents.successes", "value": 91 } ], "pipeline_ephemeral_id": "7114cd7d-8d91-4afc-a986-32487c3edcbe" } ] } ], "process": { "cpu": { "percent": 4 }, "max_file_descriptors": 1048576, "open_file_descriptors": 89 }, "queue": { "events_count": 0 }, "reloads": { "failures": 0, "successes": 0 }, "timestamp": "2023-03-02T15:57:57.016Z" } } }, "metricset": { "name": "node_stats", "period": 10000 }, "service": { "address": "http://elastic-package-service_logstash_1:9600/_node/stats", "hostname": "170bc3698b89", "id": "", "name": "logstash", "type": "logstash", "version": "8.5.0" } }
Exported fields
Field | Description | Type |
@timestamp |
Date/time when the event originated. This is the date/time extracted from the event, typically representing when the event was generated by the source. If the event source has no original timestamp, this value is typically populated by the first time the event was received by the pipeline. Required field for all events. |
date |
data_stream.dataset |
Data stream dataset. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.namespace |
Data stream namespace. |
constant_keyword |
data_stream.type |
Data stream type. |
constant_keyword |
host.hostname |
Hostname of the host. It normally contains what the |
keyword |
logstash.node.jvm.version |
Version |
keyword |
logstash.node.state.pipeline.hash |
keyword |
logstash.node.state.pipeline.id |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.events.duration_in_millis |
long |
logstash.node.stats.events.filtered |
Filtered events counter. |
long |
logstash.node.stats.events.in |
Incoming events counter. |
long |
logstash.node.stats.events.out |
Outgoing events counter. |
long |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.heap_max_in_bytes |
long |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.mem.heap_used_in_bytes |
long |
logstash.node.stats.jvm.uptime_in_millis |
long |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.uuid |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.logstash.version |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.stat.number_of_elapsed_periods |
long |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.stat.number_of_times_throttled |
long |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpu.stat.time_throttled_nanos |
long |
logstash.node.stats.os.cgroup.cpuacct.usage_nanos |
long |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.load_average.15m |
long |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.load_average.1m |
long |
logstash.node.stats.os.cpu.load_average.5m |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.events.duration_in_millis |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.events.out |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.hash |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.id |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.events_count |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.max_queue_size_in_bytes |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.queue_size_in_bytes |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.queue.type |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.vertices.duration_in_millis |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.vertices.events_in |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.vertices.events_out |
events_out |
long |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.vertices.id |
id |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.vertices.pipeline_ephemeral_id |
pipeline_ephemeral_id |
keyword |
logstash.node.stats.pipelines.vertices.queue_push_duration_in_millis |
queue_push_duration_in_millis |
float |
logstash.node.stats.process.cpu.percent |
double |
logstash.node.stats.queue.events_count |
long |
logstash_stats.pipelines |
nested |
process.pid |
Process id. |
long |
service.version |
Version of the service the data was collected from. This allows to look at a data set only for a specific version of a service. |
keyword |
An example event for node
looks as following:
{ "@timestamp": "2023-03-02T15:57:03.999Z", "agent": { "ephemeral_id": "16f2dd63-454b-4699-a8c8-2a748bd044b8", "id": "3cc85092-54dc-4b58-8726-5e9458167f42", "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "type": "metricbeat", "version": "8.5.0" }, "data_stream": { "dataset": "logstash.stack_monitoring.node", "namespace": "ep", "type": "metrics" }, "ecs": { "version": "8.0.0" }, "elastic_agent": { "id": "3cc85092-54dc-4b58-8726-5e9458167f42", "snapshot": false, "version": "8.5.0" }, "event": { "agent_id_status": "verified", "dataset": "logstash.stack_monitoring.node", "duration": 69490100, "ingested": "2023-03-02T15:57:05Z", "module": "logstash" }, "host": { "architecture": "x86_64", "containerized": true, "hostname": "docker-fleet-agent", "id": "66392b0697b84641af8006d87aeb89f1", "ip": [ "" ], "mac": [ "02-42-C0-A8-E0-07" ], "name": "docker-fleet-agent", "os": { "codename": "focal", "family": "debian", "kernel": "5.10.47-linuxkit", "name": "Ubuntu", "platform": "ubuntu", "type": "linux", "version": "20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)" } }, "logstash": { "cluster": { "id": "0toa26-cTzmqx0WD40-4XQ" }, "elasticsearch": { "cluster": { "id": "0toa26-cTzmqx0WD40-4XQ" } }, "node": { "host": "45730b5f8c3d", "id": "2e17cd45-ecb8-4358-a420-b867f2e32b7a", "jvm": { "version": "17.0.4" }, "state": { "pipeline": { "batch_size": 125, "ephemeral_id": "472cf082-aa15-41ca-9ed1-62d03afbadd0", "hash": "d83c53e142e85177df0f039e5b9f4575b858e9cfdd51c2c60b1a9e8d5f9b1aaa", "id": "pipeline-with-persisted-queue", "representation": { "graph": { "edges": [ { "from": "dfc132c40b9f5dbc970604f191cf87ee04b102b6f4be5a235436973dc7ea6368", "id": "9ed824e4f189b461c111ae27c17644c3c5f6d7c3c2bb213cbc7cc067cbd68fe6", "to": "__QUEUE__", "type": "plain" }, { "from": "__QUEUE__", "id": "cb33f8fb7611e31a2c1751b74cdedf5b8cdb96ea46b812a2541e2db4f13dca10", "to": "e24d45cc4f3bb9981356480856120ed5f68127abbc3af7f47e7bca32460e5019", "type": "plain" }, { "from": "e24d45cc4f3bb9981356480856120ed5f68127abbc3af7f47e7bca32460e5019", "id": "63ef166c45b87a40f31e0a6def175f10460b6b0ed656e70968eb52b1c454ab16", "to": "9ba6577aa5c41a5ebcaae010b9a0ef44015ae68c624596ed924417d1701abc21", "type": "plain" } ], "vertices": [ { "config_name": "java_generator", "explicit_id": false, "id": "dfc132c40b9f5dbc970604f191cf87ee04b102b6f4be5a235436973dc7ea6368", "meta": { "source": { "column": 3, "id": "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/persisted-queue.conf", "line": 2, "protocol": "file" } }, "plugin_type": "input", "type": "plugin" }, { "explicit_id": false, "id": "__QUEUE__", "meta": null, "type": "queue" }, { "config_name": "sleep", "explicit_id": false, "id": "e24d45cc4f3bb9981356480856120ed5f68127abbc3af7f47e7bca32460e5019", "meta": { "source": { "column": 3, "id": "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/persisted-queue.conf", "line": 8, "protocol": "file" } }, "plugin_type": "filter", "type": "plugin" }, { "config_name": "elasticsearch", "explicit_id": false, "id": "9ba6577aa5c41a5ebcaae010b9a0ef44015ae68c624596ed924417d1701abc21", "meta": { "source": { "column": 3, "id": "/usr/share/logstash/pipeline/persisted-queue.conf", "line": 15, "protocol": "file" } }, "plugin_type": "output", "type": "plugin" } ] }, "hash": "d83c53e142e85177df0f039e5b9f4575b858e9cfdd51c2c60b1a9e8d5f9b1aaa", "type": "lir", "version": "0.0.0" }, "workers": 10 } }, "version": "8.5.0" } }, "metricset": { "name": "node", "period": 10000 }, "process": { "pid": 1 }, "service": { "address": "http://elastic-package-service_logstash_1:9600/_node", "hostname": "45730b5f8c3d", "id": "2e17cd45-ecb8-4358-a420-b867f2e32b7a", "name": "logstash", "type": "logstash", "version": "8.5.0" } }
Version | Details | Kibana version(s) |
2.7.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.17.0 or higher |
2.6.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.17.0 or higher |
2.6.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.17.0 or higher |
2.6.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
— |
2.5.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.12 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.11 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.10 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.9 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.8 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.7 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.6 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.5 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.4 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.3 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.2 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.4.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.3.6 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.3.5 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.3.4 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.10.1 or higher |
2.3.3 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.7.1 or higher |
2.3.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.5.0 or higher |
2.3.1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
8.5.0 or higher |
2.3.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
8.5.0 or higher |
2.3.0-preview1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
— |
2.2.3-preview1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
— |
2.2.2-preview1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
— |
2.2.1-preview1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
— |
2.2.0-preview1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
— |
2.1.1-preview1 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
— |
2.1.0-preview1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) Bug fix (View pull request) |
— |
1.1.0 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
— |
1.0.2 |
Bug fix (View pull request) |
— |
1.0.1 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
— |
1.0.0 |
Enhancement (View pull request) |
7.15.0 or higher |